Street Department
The Street Department is located at 725 14th street. Our main line phone number is 812-279-9222 and our normal operating hours are 7am-3:30pm Monday thru Friday, except holidays. At the Street Department, we take pride in the City of Bedford and the work we accomplish every day.
The Street Department has a wide variety of duties. We maintain our city streets by resurfacing and patching, painting street markings, erecting and replacing signs. Mowing and clearing brush, snow removal, barricade placement, holiday decoration installations, street sweeping, and animal control.
The Street Department offers a program for sidewalk and curb replacement. A person requesting this service, must first apply for a permit from the Planning and Zoning Department at City Hall. They will then need to come to the Street Department to sign a contract. We will remove your the existing sidewalk/curb and pay for the materials for the replacement. You will only have to supply the contractor/workers for the replacement to city specifications.
We also have a tree planting program, where we will donate trees for the tree plat in front of you house. This is usually in the spring, but don't hesitate to call to be put on a list.
The Street Department has employees on call 24hrs a day for emergencies. This includes an Animal Control Officer, and other employees for snow and ice storm call-outs, barricades for street blockage and parades, and any emergency where we are needed. After hours, call the Police Department at 275-3311.
Street sweeping is something we try to do most of the year, but mainly in the early spring, after the salt and sand deposits from the winter months. The Street Department mows grass, weeds and removes brush on city property and other areas of overgrowth in alleys or per the request of the Planning and Zoning Department on properties where they received complaints.
We are here to serve the Citizens of Bedford, don't hesitate to call if you have problems or questions.
David Flinn |
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1927 Bedford Street Sweeper | Downtown Bedford Sept 2nd 2009 |
| |  New Falcon Hot Box | |  | | Hard at work painting | Patching | | | Street Department Truck | |  | | Bedford's Brine Sprayer, Mixer and Storage Tank | |  | | Second Brine Sprayer | New John Deere Loader |