Members of the Common Council are elected to represent the interests of the citizens of each of their districts. The Council is responsible for the passage of Resolutions and Ordinances that provide a budget and operating authority for the City and it's departments, and to establish laws that control the growth of our community and provide protections for all of us. The Resolutions and Ordinances adopted by the Council set the policy and boundaries for the operation of city government. Members of the City Council include: - President, 4th District – Judy Carlisle -
- At Large – Dan Bortner -
- At Large – Heath Hawkins -
- 1st District – Ryan Griffith -
- 2nd District – Larry Hardman -
- 3rd District - Brad Bough -
- 5th District – Kathy Blackburn -
Based on the guidance provided by the City Council, it is the responsibility of the Mayor, as the Chief Elected Official and Chief Operating Officer, to direct and manage the staffing and operations of the city and it's many departments and agencies. The Mayor is assisted in city contract activities by an appointed Board of Public Works and Safety consisting of Judy Carlisle, Charlene Hall, and the Mayor. The Clerk-Treasurer, the only other elected operating officer, is responsible for the custody of records and for the financial systems that support the efficient operation of the city.