City of Bedford, Indiana

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Sign Permit Application
City of Bedford, Indiana

Please fill out the form below to submit a request for a Sign Permit.

Sign Permit - Applicant Information
Owner of the Premises where Sign will be installed:
Last Name First Name
Middle Name
Email Address Phone Number  
Street Address

Contractor Responsible for this permit:
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
License #
Email Address Phone Number  
Street Address
Individual Responsible For Payment:
Last Name First Name
Middle Name
Phone Number  

Sign Specific Information:
Location of Sign Installation:

Use of Structure or Site:
(i.e. Residential, if Multi-family, number of units, Commercial, Industrial, Church, School, etc.)
Zoning of Structure or Site:
Type of Sign:
(i.e. Pole,Wall, Free Standing, etc.)
Sign Height:
Sign Width:
Total Sq Ft:
Sketch of Sign Installation:
Attach a sketch of the sign and location showing distance to property lines, location on building face, and other relevant information.
Estimated Cost of Sign Installation:
Estimated Date of Sign Installation:

Supporting File Upload(s):

Click Browse and Upload to select file(s) associated with Sign Installation, such as the Site Plan or Photo.

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Allowed file extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png.
Maximum file size: 4 MB.
Uploaded files (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png.)
Certification of Owner:

I certify that the information provided in this application and in any plans, drawings or additional information furnished with this application is true, and that a sign established pursuant to a permit issued based on this application will be erected and maintained in full compliance with the zoning ordinances and building codes of the City of Bedford and State of Indiana.
Certification of Contractor Responsible for this permit:

I certify that I have the authority to make the foregoing application, that all accompanying documents are complete and correct and that the demolition activity will comply with applicable Ordinances of the City of Bedford and the State of Indiana.

Please Enter Name:

Please Enter Name:
Security Verification

Please enter the security verification below. Click the "show another code" button if you have trouble reading the verification code.

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Submit Application

Planning/Zoning Department
1102 16th Street
Bedford, IN 47421